Juniors & Seniors
Welcome to Juniors & Seniors
Welcome to Juniors & Seniors
Class Teacher: Mrs Elliott
Class Teacher: Mrs Elliott
We have been very busy in the Infant Classroom this month. We have been learning about ‘an scoil’ in Gaeilge and we now know lots of new songs and rhymes.
In English, we have been practicing our letting sounds. We have been reading about Hallowe’en and The Farm.
In SESE we have been finding out about the senses and about spiders.
In Maths we have been learning about the numbers 1, 2 and 6. For Maths Week we played maths games and looked at some puzzle posters.
In Art we have made Squishy Monsters and Bubbling Cauldrons. On Thursdays Carrie has been visiting and teaching us new songs. She has lots of instruments that we play.
Our Art
Our Art
Bubbling Cauldrons
Bubbling Cauldrons
Squishy Monsters
Squishy Monsters