First & Second

Welcome to 1st and 2nd Class

Class Teacher: Mrs Veighey

In First & Second we have used the Hallowe'en and Autumn theme in Art to make bats from leaf prints and learned all the Irish words to do with Hallowe'en. We sang a song that taught us how to spell Hallowe'en too! We have checked out animals that hibernate and are reading The Hodgeheg.  We talked about The Northern Lights and used watery paint to see could we come up with some similar pictures ourselves. We are really enjoying our percussion sessions with Luke and developing notation and rhythm skills. We enjoyed some fun maths classes for Maths week; playing Helicopter Rescue, Sugar Sugar and other computer games together. We played card and board games, 4 in a row, Lego, peg boards and particularly enjoyed working our Odd One Out and Same and Different Challenges.  

We started our swimming lessons in K leisure. Everyone is doing so well. We continue our drumming with Luke from Music Generation every Wednesday. 

Dress up day 2024

Insect Collage with Lidl leaflets and Torn Paper Art